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How to Stand Out In An Interview - Tips For Leaving a Lasting Impression

These short 24 killer tips teach you how you should exactly behave before and during the job interview. Remembering and following them...

These short 24 killer tips teach you how you should exactly behave before and during the job interview. Remembering and following them are sure fire ways to success.
The following 24 tips for the job interview cover all the aspects of an interview. A lot of them are for keeping your thought process steady and to create the best impression. Reread these tips multiple times until you get clarity about these 24 killer tips.
1) Be punctual for a job interview. An employer knows that if you can't show up on time for a job interview, you can't do it for work either.
2) Prepare in advance even if you think you don't require any preparation. The preparation you did for previous job interviews can't be an excuse for not preparing for the one you are about to attend today.
3) Avoid too much amusement on the day before the interview. Amusing moments are essential for a healthy living but it can distract you for a week by pulling your thoughts back to the memories of that day.
4) Keep the clothes ready the day before. You don't want to waste your time in the morning of the interview day, in search of the perfect outfit.
5) Choose the clothes which fit the job that you are applying for. Make sure they don't look too formal, unless your job is going to be in the fashion industry.
6) Go through the sample interview questions and answers that you can find online, not for parroting those answers but to get an idea of how the good and acceptable answers sound.
7) Have your friend conduct mock interviews with you, especially if you are attending your first interview. (Don't choose the one who always cracks jokes, if you don't want to embarrass yourself by laughing out loud for your interviewer's question.)
8) Stay away from sites like Facebook and MySpace once you start your interview preparation, unless the position you are applying for is social media consultant. Social media is powerful for doing job search but it can cause some serious addiction and keep you awake until midnight. (No problem if you let you Farmville crops wither for a couple of days)
9) On the interview day and the day before, eat something that digests easily and doesn't make you feel sleepy. The food that you take affects your thought process, your posture and how you feel overall.
10) The most important thing to read before the interview is your own resume. If the interviewer asks about your career goals, you don't want it to sound completely different from the objectives you wrote in your resume. Read your resume a few times, think about the possible questions that the interviewer might ask based on your resume and be ready to answer them.
11) Research the employer's company well and understand what the company does. Interviewer often asks what you know about the company to find out how interested you are in the job. Your knowledge about the company conveys the interviewer that you understand the company and its goals and you will be really interested in the position.
12) Be prepared for anything! Sometimes interviewers may ask weird questions just to see how you react. You may think that the question is stupid but the real reason for the question is to look at the real you beyond your masks. The purpose of the questions can also be to test your personality, creativity, patience and presence of mind..
The question 'How many tennis balls are in this room' was asked in an interview by Yahoo. The purpose of this question is to actually check if you are paying attention, because the question is often misunderstood as 'How many tennis balls can fit this room' if proper attention was not paid.
13) Switch off your cell phone before the interview. First, the ring tone of your cell phone can be the worst distraction for both you and the interviewer. Second, it shows that you didn't care enough to switch it off in the first place.
14) Your body language can convey more than what your speech could convey. Actions like biting your nails, covering your mouth while talking, touching your face, tapping your fingers on the table etc show that you are nervous and feel insensitive. Sit erect and comfortable and rest your palms on your thighs while you are talking.
15) Ever felt tempted to interrupt someone while chatting with your friends because you had something interesting to say? It happens often. Interruptions are natural in a casual conversation with friends but completely odd in a job interview. Never interrupt the speaker in any formal conversation. Be open-minded and listen to the interviewer, wait for him or her to finish and then start talking.
16) One thing that gives best impression about you is your smile. It is not that you smile only when you feel better. The reverse is also true! You start feeling better when you smile, even if it is a fake one. Your smile releases more endorphins, making you feel more comfortable.
Smile often throughout the interview! Smile is contagious and even a frowning interviewer may start smiling in response to your smile.
17) Making frequent eye contacts during the interview is essential as well. Don't look away when a question is asked and make sure that you look at the person's eye during introductions, handshakes and often during the conversation. If there is more than one person interviewing you, often move your eyes from one person to another.
The eye contact should also be natural and should not make the other person feel uncomfortable. Looking down to your hands, at your watch or out the windows should be completely avoided.
18) A firm handshake is a good sign of confidence. When you shake hands with the interviewer, be firm, smile and make eye contact. Make sure that your hands are clean and dry. Don't squeeze the interviewer's hand.
19) If you are a talkative, this tip is for you. Too much talking is as bad as being too silent. The interviewer doesn't want to hear your life story or things that make you feel proud of yourself.
20) Don't pretend that you know when you actually don't know the answer. It doesn't matter if you cannot answer all the questions correctly. The interviewer doesn't expect you to have answers for all the questions either. The difficult questions are asked only to test the extent of your knowledge. When you don't know the answer for the question, being honest and accepting that you don't know is the best possible answer that you can give.
21) Don't get lost in thoughts... Mind often jumps from one topic to another. If your mind catches some interesting topic during the interview conversation and relates it with something else that happened in the past, you may possibly get lost in your thoughts while the interviewer is talking. Watch out for it! One of the worst things that can happen to you in an interview is to having to ask the interviewer to repeat what he just said. Don't let that happen!
22) Never bad mouth your past employer or the company. You might have had to deal with a bad boss in your previous company and that might be the first reason for you to leave that job. No matter what the reason might be, badmouthing a past employer is always frowned upon and kills the interview.
If the interviewer is probing more on why you left your previous job, resist your temptation to bad mouth. Instead, say what you are looking for in the new job.
23) Ask questions yourself! At the end of the interview, the interviewer asks if you have any questions. Use this opportunity to know more about the potential employer and make a good impression as well. But don't ask questions about holidays. Asking how many holidays you will have in a year doesn't show a good attitude during a job interview.
24) Make your last smile of the hour unforgettable! Don't leave the interview room in a rush but take your time to smile and thank the interviewer. Remember the points that we discussed about smiling, handshake and the eye contact.
Whether you get the job or not, you learn something in each job interview. Once the interview is over, reflect on your performance during the interview and make a note of all the questions that were asked. Think about the questions that you found difficult to handle and come up with best possible answers for them.
As you attend more interviews, you will see that the same questions are repeated over and over again. There is no need to feel bad if you don't get the job after attending an interview. As long as you keep trying and learn from your mistakes, it is fine. If you are dedicated in your efforts, it is not going to take long for you to get the right job.
The types of questions asked may be little different in the technical interviews. So, apart from these general interview tips, work on the interview questions that are asked in your field of study. For IT jobs, you need to keep updating your knowledge since the field of technology keeps changing.

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